General Tip – Punt positions. While some people go into a draft willingly giving up on saves or batting average, most don’t. Almost none give up on positions. Outfield and starting pitching requires multiple players in the active roster, so they can never be forgotten in a draft. But, if you were caught on the back-end of a position run, or find that you are constantly getting outbid, move on and don’t worry about filling the void. Continue to stockpile what you have, build upon your strength, and deal with finishing the roster later.
Consider how much changes over the course of Spring Training, let alone a Major League Baseball season. Worrying about when to draft a third baseman now that the bulk of the desired group has passed will cause you to miss the valuable plays ripe for the picking. Taking Garrett Richards instead of gambling on a low-level third baseman is a much wiser choice, and with the ongoing position battles at the hot corner, an opportunity will present itself. In the past week, alone, Kris Bryant went from a definite Minor Leaguer to start the season to possibly breaking camp with the Cubs, and the Dodgers may have three legitimate third base-eligible hitters with power.
In baseball, things change too quickly to try to chase what has already passed.