Baseball, a Muse: Interview with Baseball Painter Graig Kreindler
Baseball painter Graig Kreindler has made a name for himself by painting dead baseball players. Not baseball players while dead, but baseball players who are currently dead.
MLB Rule Changes Should Focus on Batter’s Box, Commercial Breaks, Not Changing the Game
Tomas Laverty argues MLB Rule Changes should focus on commercial breaks, and cut down on batters fidgeting in the batter’s box, not fundamentally change the game itself.
MLB Looks to Speed up Game with New Rules
Major League Baseball will test new rule changes to attempt to speed up the pace of games.
Kid Writers’ Stance Another Shot Across the Bow for Baseball
I decided to do a column on young folks’ sports and media interests. What I found out should worry Bud Selig and his 2015 successor.
Broadcasters Would Bring Knowledgeability to Flawed Hall of Fame Voting
George Castle weighs in on the state of Hall of Fame voting in baseball.
Baseball and Samuel Beckett: Try Again. Fail Again. Fail Better
When I write, I am reaching always back to words already written. I reach back now to take hold of the words of Samuel Beckett who staked this declaration into the hard dirt of our living ground: “Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.”
Baseball, Halloween Style: SDSU Scrimmages Full Regalia (VIDEO)
A gorilla third base coach gave signs before the the Indian brave’s 0-2 pitch, where another cheerleader grounded out to the bonnet-wearing baby, who made a strong throw to a member of the Jamaican bobsled team for the out.
Dodgers, Tigers, Angels: Is the Joke Over Yet?
The number one reason the Dodgers should be ashamed is for putting Vin Scully through another bullshit season.