Jose Canseco Is a Lying Liar Whose Finger Totally Didn’t Fall Off

Jose Canseco admits finger falling off was just a prank, won’t sell fully-attached finger on eBay.
Jose Canseco ‘Will Sell Finger He Shot Off on eBay’ Plus the Gun He Used

‘Slightly used middle finger with 462 home runs could be used as a stirring straw.’
Jose Canseco’s Reattached Finger, Which He Shot Off, ‘Fell Off During a Poker Game’

The Jose Canseco Finger Saga: Part Deux
Jose Canseco Blew His Finger Off While Cleaning A Gun

Former Oakland Athletics slugger Jose Canseco shot his middle finger off while cleaning a gun according to TMZ.
Jose Canseco Shouldn’t Apologize For Helping Clean Up Baseball

Jose Canseco may have betrayed his teammates’ trust but baseball’s biggest cheater actually helped clean up baseball more than anyone in the steroid era.
Jose Canseco Wishes “Juiced” Would Have Never Happened

Appearing at the 25th anniversary of the Oakland Athletics 1989 World Series run, Jose Canseco said he regrets publishing his steroids tell-all, Juiced.