Video: Giants Players Do Their Best Madison Bumgarner Impression - XN Sports

Video: Giants Players Do Their Best Madison Bumgarner Impression

You may remember that the San Francisco Giants capped off their epic 2012 World Series run with some impressions of wide-eyed slugger Hunter Pence.

After yet another World Series-winning campaign, the Giants celebrated October hero Madison Bumgarner with Tim Hudson wearing a mop wig.

The Giants will clearly never do a Buster Posey version of this because Buster Posey is clearly the most boring man alive.

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Igor Derysh
Igor Derysh is Editor-at-Large at XN Sports and has been featured in The Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, Boston Herald, Baltimore Sun, Orlando Sun-Sentinel, and FantasyPros. He has previously covered sports for COED Magazine, Fantasy Alarm, and