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Pau Gasol

‘Melo Back With Knicks, Gasol To Bulls: 5 Takeaways From This Weekend’s NBA Free-Agent Signings

The NBA free-agent frenzy finally got going once LeBron James announced he was returning to Cleveland. Within hours, the rest of the league's top free agents began to fall into place.
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Carmelo Anthony
Brad Penner USA TODAY Sports

‘Melo makes right move to stay put

Anthony will remain the centerpiece of the Knicks franchise, and no matter whether you’re a fan of the team or ‘Melo, it’s the smart move.

Anytime you risk losing an elite-caliber player like Anthony, it’s a bad move. His kind of scoring and leadership contributions are not easily replaceable, and cannot be substituted by a bunch of veterans. His talents are unlike most in the NBA, so retaining Anthony gives Jackson a true elite player to build a team around.

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Sam Spiegelman
Sam Spiegelman is a native New Yorker covering sports in New Orleans. He likes Game of Thrones way too much. Tweet him @samspiegs.

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