LeBron James

4 Takeaways From LeBron James’ Wife’s Instagram About Ohio

LeBron James' wife posted an Instagram of Akron, saying "Home Sweet Home! The Countdown is Real!" Sam Spiegelman looks at what that could mean for the Cavs.
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Oh, no she didn’t.

Sunday night, LeBron James‘s wife, Savannah Brinson, took to Instragram to post a photo of Ohio and the couple’s hometown of Akron. Below, her caption read “Home sweet home!! The countdown is real! #330.”

Let the chaos ensue.

So does this mean LeBron is heading back to the Cleveland Cavaliers? Could a reunion really be possible?

Here are my five takeaway from this post:

1. LeBron isn’t going back to Cleveland

The Cavs just hired David Blatt to be their head coach, and reports surfaced that the European legend is not the right guy to lure LeBron home.

Instead, reports indicated a coach like Mark Jackson may have made it more interesting.

2. Savannah Brinson wants likes

If you’re on Instagram, you want likes.

By posting a picture of Akron, Ohio, any fans of LeBron that also follow his wife were enthralled to see this. All of a sudden there’s thousands of likes. Consider it an Instagram well done.

3. Putting the Heat on Pat Riley

See what I did there?

LeBron is going to remind Heat president Pat Riley that it is not a lock that he’ll stay in South Beach. So when the press goes nuts about his wife suggesting he could head back to Cleveland, Riley is reminded of what he needs to do this offseason to keep LeBron happy.

4. A baby on her way

According to Cleveland.com, James and Savannah are expecting their third child. And given the rumors that circulated indicating James enrolled his sons in an Ohio school, perhaps Savannah is planning to give birth to the third child in their hometown.

Sorry Cavs fans.

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Sam Spiegelman
Sam Spiegelman is a native New Yorker covering sports in New Orleans. He likes Game of Thrones way too much. Tweet him @samspiegs.

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