Daily Fantasy Baseball Lineup for September 23

You can’t wait anymore. There are just a week’s worth of games left in the MLB season, so your chances to enjoy Star Fantasy Leagues daily leagues are running out.
Daily Fantasy Baseball Lineup for September 20

Playoff fever is running rampant across Major League Baseball, and I’m keeping that in mind as I put together my Star Fantasy Leagues daily lineup.
Daily Fantasy Baseball Lineup for August 26

As the summer draws to a close, the attention in the fantasy sports world turns to football. We are right in the middle of draft season as opening day is just around the corner. But the fantasy baseball season is still going strong, too, and daily leagues are no exception. So while you gear up […]
Daily Fantasy Baseball Lineup for August 7

What day is it? Hump day. One way I love getting a jumpstart on the second half of the workweek is to build my Star Fantasy Leagues daily lineup. As has been the case lately, I’m using about half of my budget on pitchers while using strategy plays on offense. Since building my team this […]
Daily Fantasy Baseball Lineup for July 5

After enjoying Fourth of July festivities, it’s time to get back to business, which means filling out a Star Fantasy Leagues daily lineup. And if a day as American as July 4th doesn’t get you in the mood for enjoying the national pastime, nothing will. This is when the baseball season really starts to get […]
Daily Fantasy Baseball Lineup for June 28

This has been a light week for night games across Major League Baseball, but there is a full MLB schedule tonight, which means plenty of options for our Star Fantasy Leagues daily lineup. For tonight, my theme is hitting streaks. I’ve put together a lineup consisting mainly of players who have streaks of a few […]
Daily Fantasy Baseball Lineup for June 14

Do you every get into that gambling sort of mood when you just feel like taking some chances in the hopes of hitting it big? Well, that’s me on this particular Friday. I’ve decided to go boom or bust with my Star Fantasy Leagues daily lineup today. This could be extremely good or colossally bad. […]
Daily Fantasy Baseball Lineup for June 10

The return of the new work week also brings the return of an old strategy for me in my Star Fantasy Leagues daily lineup. It’s not that my recent lineups haven’t been successful, but with some teams out of action tonight, I felt going in this direction was best for me today. Maybe you agree? […]