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Harvey Pollack, NBA

The Ultimate Super Stat: In Memory of Harvey Pollack

Harvey Pollack was more than just a guy who looked at numbers all day -- he'll have a lasting impact on the NBA.
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I’m not going to pretend to know who Harvey Pollack was. I would only hear about an old dude with the Philadelphia 76ers who had been around since the days before Wilt Chamberlain through secondhand channels. Evidently, he was the Bill James of basketball. He was a part of NBA history, a pioneer in his own right.

But because of his behind-the-scenes role with the team, his contributions to the game was lost on me. And it took his death for me to finally have an “oh yeah, I remember hearing about this guy!” moment.

Since learning of his death, I’ve had to partake in a crash course on Pollack’s significance to the game. Not surprising about a guy who is credited for being part of the league’s history since its inception, I have barely put a dent on his story and his place in basketball history. It’s so much to take in. The old dude from Philly was more than just a guy who looked at numbers all day. He had a real title:

It’s not the fact that he’s a director for an NBA team. It’s the idea that his impact is so vast and great, he needed a nickname that would fit his contributions to the game. It does not get any better than giving a guy the moniker of “Super Stat.”

The other big event Pollack gets credit for is creating the prop which would ultimately make this photograph iconic:

People talk about “keeping it 100,” but Pollack should probably get props for doing it well before it was considered a thing. You know what else he gets credit for? Oh, just something which every, single NBA team utilizes in today’s game:


But John Hollinger is not the only current NBA guy sharing his condolences as Doug Collins and this year’s NBA Finals MVP, Andre Iguodala also showed their reverence and appreciation to the legendary numbers’ cruncher. And it was also great to see NBA beat writers on Twitter showing their respect for the man they call “Super Stat.”

And of course, an old dude like Pollack, who had been part of the league for a very long time, there will be some really cool stories that will come to light. Do not be surprised if a lot of these tales involve Chamberlain:

Having regular conversations which lasted for a couple of hours with arguably the greatest player of all time is simply special. Reminds me of the story about Kevin Durant hiring a stats guy to improve his game.

Contrary to popular belief, the game has enough room for both jocks and stat nerds to coexist. Hopefully, Charles Barkley is seeing the outpour of love and support for Pollack. Maybe he’ll finally see the foolishness of his ways and see basketball statistical analytics as a complement to the game he once played in and not as a threat. What’s the one thing we hear about basketball? It only includes, never excludes, right?

Harvey Pollack was loved by both players and coaches. But his contributions to the game were highly valued. My only regret is I was not fully cognizant of his work in a direct manner, but take solace in the idea that maybe I grew to appreciate his impact in a very indirect way. At any rate, now is a good time to continue to look back and see what other remarkable things this man had done for the game. Better late than never, even if it appears to be too late.

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Felipe Melecio
Felipe Melecio was the managing editor for the blog Pathological Hate. He believes that math is your friend and numbers can be fun, especially when it comes to baseball. Keep tabs on all his knee-jerk reactions on Twitter: !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)?'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src=p+'://';fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document, 'script', 'twitter-wjs');

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