1. What will the PSI level be in Brady’s footballs
Deflate-gate has taken up much of the conversation the past two weeks, but that issue seem to come to a stop once Robert Kraft landed in Glendale, Ariz. Tom Brady and Bill Belichick have repeatedly denied having any knowledge of the deflated balls from the AFC Championship game win over the Colts, and they’ve stuck to their guns.
As the NFL continues its investigation into deflate-gate, we wonder how many times the Super Bowl announcing crew will speak of the PSI levels in the footballs used during the big game. I can only imagine numerous referees and NFL personnel double-checking to see if the balls are deflated within regulation, and if it impacts how Brady throws the rock.

Sam Spiegelman
Sam Spiegelman is a native New Yorker covering sports in New Orleans. He likes Game of Thrones way too much. Tweet him @samspiegs.