Sixers guard K.J. McDaniels’ mom was in attendance for Philly’s tilt against Orlando on Sunday and her heckler game looks to be in mid-season form.
Twitter user @JEichenblatt live tweeted her night, photos and all.
A 76ers family member across from me. She keeps booing the 76ers and yelling "pass the ball to my son" sparkly boots.
— jordan eichenblatt (@JEichenblatt) December 22, 2014
76ers yelling family member update. She is now yelling. "DONT YOU DARE PASS THAT BALL. DONT PASS THE BALL."
— jordan eichenblatt (@JEichenblatt) December 22, 2014
It's KJ McDaniels mom. Her trying to coach the team from 11 rows up is better than the actual game. @Michael_Levin
— jordan eichenblatt (@JEichenblatt) December 22, 2014
Now an arena officer is now talking to her. This is fantastic.
— jordan eichenblatt (@JEichenblatt) December 22, 2014
She's showing him her ticket. She's yelling THATS MY SON THATS MY SON. A 76ers rep from bench walking up to help now.
— jordan eichenblatt (@JEichenblatt) December 22, 2014
Situation all cleared up. She is now booing the guy shooting a half court shot for a $50 gift card.
— jordan eichenblatt (@JEichenblatt) December 22, 2014
shirt says KJ in bedazzled letters. She's now being escorted somewhere. 3 rows from bench. Yelling "play better."
— jordan eichenblatt (@JEichenblatt) December 22, 2014
She's back! But she is 5 rows back.
— jordan eichenblatt (@JEichenblatt) December 22, 2014
Michael Carter Williams with a huge fast break dunk and she is BOOING AND YELLING PASS THE BALL
— jordan eichenblatt (@JEichenblatt) December 22, 2014
— jordan eichenblatt (@JEichenblatt) December 22, 2014