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Michael Sam

5 Logical Landing Spots For Michael Sam

Michael Sam has cleared waivers and will not be signed to the St. Louis Rams' practice squad, and is still free to sign with any team that is interested in him.
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mike zimmer
Minnesota Vikings head coach Mike Zimmer Brace Hemmelgarn USA TODAY Sports

4. Minnesota Vikings

Like Detroit, the Vikings are comfortable with Brian Robison coming off the edge of the left side. But if there is a defensive mind that can help mold a young talent, it is Mike Zimmer.

Zimmer has gotten the most out of mediocre talent during his time with Cincinnati, and Sam does offer upside. Perhaps the Twin Cities — which tends to get overlooked in the media — could be a nice destination.

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Sam Spiegelman
Sam Spiegelman is a native New Yorker covering sports in New Orleans. He likes Game of Thrones way too much. Tweet him @samspiegs.

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