22. Russia
The 2018 World Cup hosts don’t have much to look forward to in four years for they simply don’t produce good young talent. Their team is old and tired, and they are relying on Fabio Capello to turn it all around. Ha.
Goals Scored: 2 (26th)
Goals Conceded: 3 (2nd)
Completed Passes: 74% (22nd)
Attacks: 134 (17th)
Shot on goal per total shots: 59% (17th)
Possession: 49.3% (17th)
Completed Clearances: 91% (4th)
Saves: 10 (22nd)

Alec Kleyer
Alec Kleyer is a second year student at Macaulay Honors College. He's played, watched, analyzed soccer/futbol most of his life. Visit his blog at knlsoccer.com for soccer news outside of the World Cup!