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5 Devastating Offseason NFL Injuries

Sam Spiegelman looks at the most devastating offseason NFL injuries and how they will impact teams like the Giants, Cowboys, and Falcons.
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2. Sean Weatherspoon

The Atlanta Falcons are undergoing a transition to a 3-4 defense for 2014, and Weatherspoon was going to be counted on to be the weak-side backer in the new scheme. Now, a young defense just lost its best linebacker — maybe even its best player — and will most definitely take a step back without him.

This is the second straight season in which Weatherspoon will be sidelined, and as an impending free agent, it will hard to trust he can return to form even in 2015.

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Sam Spiegelman
Sam Spiegelman is a native New Yorker covering sports in New Orleans. He likes Game of Thrones way too much. Tweet him @samspiegs.

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