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Orlando Magic small forward Tobias Harris

Fantasy Basketball: A Seven-Step Approach To Injuries

fantasy basketball enthusiasts know that when dealing with injuries, one must approach each in different manners. It’s the same animal, but through different cuts of meat.
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4. Always Factor In “The Popovich” – He’s been less quick to pull the trigger on this – get it: a cowboy analogy, you know, because of the Spurs – but with Popovich you always run into the danger that Tony Parker or Tim Duncan will be “injured” at the tail end of a four-game road trip. Spoelstra is now pulling a “Popovich” with Dwyane Wade. When in tanking mode, coaches will pull off a version of this with their rookies, or an injured star, to rack up some losses. If you can’t afford to lose any games from Timmy or Michael-Carter Williams, sell during a high point.

Which brings us to…

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Bogar Alonso
Bogar Alonso is a dedicated student of the hardwood, soccer pitch, boxing ring, and tennis court. He is a regular NBA contributor to XN Sports. His work, involving more than just sports, has appeared on The Creators Project, A&E Networks, XXL Magazine, and others. Follow Bogar on Twitter @blacktiles

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